About Us

Who we are

We are Real Mexican Foods!

We are a passionate team dedicated to delivering the authentic flavors of Mexican cuisine to the world. As a leading manufacturer of frozen Mexican food products, we take pride in crafting high-quality tamales, chiles rellenos, jalapeño poppers, taquitos, barbacoa, and more.

At Real Mexican Foods, we believe that great food is an experience that connects people and cultures. That’s why we carefully select the finest ingredients and adhere to traditional recipes, ensuring that every bite is a true taste of Mexico.

Our commitment to quality extends beyond our products. We value our partnerships with distributors, retailers, restaurants, and cafeterias in the foodservice industry, and we are dedicated to providing exceptional service tailored to their unique needs.

With our innovative approach, we continue to push the boundaries of flavor and convenience. We are constantly developing new products and solutions that meet the evolving demands of our customers, while maintaining the authenticity and integrity of Mexican cuisine.

Join us on this culinary journey as we bring the vibrant and diverse flavors of Mexico to tables around the world. Experience the passion, taste the tradition, and savor the excellence that defines Real Mexican Foods.

Discover the difference of Real Mexican Foods today.distributors,

Fun Facts
About Real Mexican Foods

Did you know that tamales, one of our beloved Mexican food specialties, have a rich history dating back thousands of years? These delicious treats were enjoyed by the ancient Mayans and Aztecs, and their popularity has endured through the centuries. Today, tamales remain a cherished part of Mexican culture and are often enjoyed during festive celebrations and family gatherings. At Real Mexican Foods, we take pride in carrying on this long-standing tradition by crafting authentic and flavorful tamales that capture the essence of Mexican cuisine. Join us in savoring a taste of history with every bite!

Manufactured Tamales
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Manufactured Chiles Rellenos
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Manufactured Churros
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Other Mexican Foods
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Our Production

Our History

We're a Real
Food Company



Founded in 2021, Real Mexican Foods is a subsidiary of PROAMEX, a renowned leader in the Mexican food industry. With PROAMEX’s extensive experience and expertise, Real Mexican Foods has quickly established itself as a trusted provider of authentic frozen Mexican food products. Our partnership with PROAMEX brings a wealth of resources, knowledge, and innovation to our operations, ensuring that we continue to deliver the highest quality products and exceptional service to our valued customers. Together, we are committed to upholding the legacy of PROAMEX’s excellence while carving our own path in the industry as Real Mexican Foods.


Establishing in the US Market

In 2022, establishing a strong foundation was our top priority at Real Mexican Foods. We set out to create a company that not only delivers exceptional frozen Mexican food products but also fosters strong relationships with our customers and partners. Through our dedication and unwavering commitment to quality, we have gained the trust and loyalty of retailers, restaurants, and cafeterias across the foodservice industry. Our focus on continuous improvement and customer satisfaction has allowed us to solidify our position as a go-to provider of authentic Mexican cuisine. As we move forward, we remain dedicated to expanding our reach, innovating our product offerings, and exceeding the expectations of our valued customers.


Expansion and Consolidation

As we stride into 2023, Real Mexican Foods is embracing a period of expansion and consolidation. Building upon our successful foundation, we are committed to reaching new horizons and bringing the authentic flavors of Mexican cuisine to even more customers. Through strategic partnerships and market insights, we are expanding our distribution network to serve a wider range of retailers, restaurants, and cafeterias across the globe. This expansion allows us to bring the taste of Mexico to diverse communities, enriching culinary experiences worldwide. Additionally, we are focused on consolidating our position as a leader in the industry, continuously refining our processes, and ensuring the utmost consistency in quality and flavor across all our products. With each step forward, we remain dedicated to upholding our commitment to authenticity, innovation, and customer satisfaction, solidifying our place as the preferred choice for frozen Mexican food products.


New Products & Markets...
Our Franchise

Looking ahead to the future, Real Mexican Foods is poised for continued growth, innovation, and success. We envision a future where our authentic Mexican food products are enjoyed by people from all walks of life, transcending borders and cultures. As the demand for diverse and flavorful cuisine continues to rise, we are dedicated to staying at the forefront of culinary trends and consistently exceeding expectations. With a focus on sustainability and responsible sourcing, we aim to make a positive impact on the environment and communities we serve. Our commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction will remain unwavering as we introduce new and exciting product offerings, expand into new markets, and forge lasting partnerships. Together, let us embark on this exciting journey towards a future where Real Mexican Foods continues to inspire, delight, and nourish.

Additionally, we envision the growth of our franchise opportunity, Santo Tamal, as we welcome passionate entrepreneurs to join us in sharing the authentic tradition of tamales and creating thriving businesses rooted in the rich flavors of Mexico.

Our Experts

The Real Team

David Gonzalez

Mexican Food Whisperer

Maria Ortega

The Boss

Luis Farfan

Chief Tamale Officer